Hello Summer! Looks like the warmer months

Hello Summer! Looks like the warmer months

As a young girl I used to look at what my parents were wearing and I couldn’t avoid thinking “oh my god, this is so ugly.” As kids we are rebels, constantly trying to define ourselves and be unique. However, in retrospect, I cannot stop thinking about how much I underestimated my mother, who is and always has been a mega fashionista! Everything I used to laugh about is coming back in style, and now that I’m older I understand these trends which seemed silly to me as a kid! I guess I owe my mom an apology.

1. Wide Pants

Wide-legged pants started gaining popularity in Winter, and have evolved into a fun incarnation for Spring! They’re arguably the most important trend this season, and I personally love them. My wide-legged pants are also a tribute to David Bowie who originally helped popularize the style.

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